School MascotNewark Cooperative Preschool School Mascot  

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November 2002
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                1st              Tuition for Dec. is due(3’s $75.00; 4’s $85.00)  Please pay your tuition on time to                                        avoid any late fees.

            5th              NO SCHOOL-Election Day

            9th             JOE CORBI’S PIZZA DELIVERY & PICK-UP.  Delivery helpers report at 7:45 a.m.

                            PICK-UP PIZZAS/COOKIE DOUGH 9:30-11:00 a.m. All orders must be picked up.

             19th           Parent Meeting 7 p.m. Babysitting provided at $2.00 per child. Special Guests*.

             21st           3’s Thanksgiving Feast

22nd          4’s Thanksgiving Feast

            21 & 26    3’s Parent Conferences

            25 & 27    4’s Parent Conferences

25-29              NO SCHOOL-Conferences and Thanksgiving


*The November Parent Meeting will feature a brief business meeting. At 7:30 former NCP parent Elaine Greaves will present “Is there a gun where my child plays?” . At 7:50 Current parent Scott Tuozzolo will present information on “College Tuition”.


Parent conferences will be held November 21 (p.m.), 25, 26 & 27.  The teachers will post sign up sheets on the classroom bulletin board.  Please select a time which is convenient for you to spend 10-15 minutes discussing your child’s start for the 2002 school year.  Several of you might want to schedule times close together in order to take turns watching the children in the outside play area.




Week of Nov. 4th           “Signs of Fall,” 

Week of Nov.  11th         “Native Americans”

Week of Nov.  18th          “Pilgrims travel to America” and “We Celebrate with a Feast!”

Week of Dec. 2nd            Introduction to Holiday presentations




Thanks to all who ordered pizza.  Remember to pick your order up on Saturday November 9th, 9:30-11:00 a.m.  If you have questions call Michelle Pierce (Jared 3’s) 838-1494


At the October 15th Parent Meeting the parents discussed  the following fund-raising activities:

            1)  November-December 50-50 Holiday Raffle

            2)  Late Feb.-March                    Human-I-Tees

            3) Current (Stationary) would be ongoing, info to follow ASAP

             4) Tupperware if needed

            5)  Family night at Friendly”s


FROM THE PRESIDENT Marylee Dichiaro  453-0603

Welcome to November!  We had a busy October and this month will bring many fun and exciting new adventures for our children.  The temperature is dropping, but we still go outside! Dress children appropriately for the season.  Also, if your child has had a fever or a cold, please keep him/her home until they are well enough to come back (48 hours for a fever).  We discussed many interesting fund-raising ideas at October’s meeting so please keep updated by reading the classroom info board everyday.  If you have any questions/concerns, please call me.




Please keep your child home if:

·         Your child has run a fever in the last 24 hours or has a rash

·         Your child has had vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours

·         Your child’s nose is running constantly and cannot keep it wiped

·         Your child isn’t feeling well and you suspect they could be coming down with something contagious.


An important part of being in the classroom includes confidentiality concerning specific situations in the classroom.  If you have concerns regarding anything that occurs during your time in the classroom, please speak to the teacher rather than other parents.


Please be prepared to serve as the helping parent on your scheduled dates.  It is your responsibility to be in the classroom 15 minutes early.  Special thanks to those of you who are willing to step in and cover so the door can open on time.


Please reinforce the following school rules at home.

·         Keep arms, legs, hands and sleeves in your own space.

·         Use words, rather than actions to express desires.

·         Listen to the teacher at story time; practice this by reading to your child each evening.

·         Slide down the sliding boards do not climb on top of the outer parts of the climber.


If there is a spill on the floor when you are helping, please use paper towels to wipe it up (never use the sponges from the tables) and then spray with the bacti-chem and wipe again.  If you do not spray, the spot will become sticky.


Parking Reminder:  When exiting the parking area please do not exit via the church driveway to Main St.  It makes it impossible for cars to enter.  Exit via Kelway Plaza or the Antique store lot.  Thank you


We are putting together a substitute teacher list.  If you are willing to be called to sub in your child’s class or for an entire day please call either teacher.  A sub receives $20.00 per session.


Susan Sizemore (Megan 4AM) is still trying to collect health forms.  Each child needs the following document on file:

-          Health form

-          Emergency Treatment

-          Child release

-          TB test results for the helping parent

Trina Burns (Gabe 3’s) is our Insurance Coordinator and reports very few Insurance Information Forms have been returned to her. We must have this information on file. If we do not have enough drivers for field trips, each child’s parent will be asked to provide transportation for their child OR we will not plan any field trips. Second copies were sent home Oct. 21st.


Thanks to:  Trina Burns (Gabe 3’s) for being our insurance coordinator; Joeli Donavan (Jhaney 4AM) for taking care of Scholastic Book orders; Michelle Pierce (Jared 3’s) for organizing the pizza fund-raiser; George McClafferty (Charlotte 4 p.m.) for organizing the CPR instruction. On Oct. 19th the Coleman family, Lori, Chris, Christopher and Cody (4 p.m.) spent several hours tilling and raking the outside play area. A great job! Chris Kalinowski (Christopher 3’s) will be donating his time and playground mulch to upgrade the outside play area. George McClafferty (Charlotte 4 pm) will be repairing the fence. Thanks to all of you. You are true examples of the “cooperative” part of the preschool name.


Each child receives important papers via the cubby, please be sure to check their backpack/book bag each day.


FROM THE 4’s- Shirley Glines 738-9512


Thanks to all the parents who participated in our seed walk around the school.  The 4’s are showing increased interest in printing their names.  At school their name will always be written with a capital first letter and all remaining letters lower case.  To keep learning consistent, I urge you to present your child’s name to him/her in the same way.  For 3’s parents, it would be helpful for you to begin to teach your child this way.  It is very difficult to teach them to “switch” if they have learned to print in all capital letters.  Other activities you should be doing at home are:

·         Sorting socks

·         Setting the table

·         Drying silverware

·         Cutting anything:  coupons or confetti (but let them cut)

·         Read lots of stories and have them tell you what happened in the story

·         Give them simple two and three step directions.


November is a great month.  We will talk about our Fall weather.  The Native Americans/ Pilgrims unit will end with a feast.  For the 4’s classes this includes roast chicken (our turkey), cornbread, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


FROM THE 3’s- Karen Peterson 322-5340


For me, November has always been a time of reflection and thanks.  This year, I am especially thankful for the opportunity to learn and play with your child.  This is a great group of children and we are beginning to know the routine and feel comfortable in school.


In November we will be talking about fall, pilgrims and Native Americans.  On November 21st we will have a feast of vegetable soup and corn bread.


There will be no class on Tuesday, Nov. 5th as this is election day.


I will be scheduling conferences for November 21st, after class and Tuesday Nov. 26th.  I look forward to discussing your child’s growth in school.  As always, feel free to call me anytime.



Please welcome the following new students and their parents to Newark Cooperative Preschool.


            4 PM    Windy Huang              Li Yan & Xiao                  731-5611

                        Sabrina Shultz            Connie & Chris                368-1207




NCP will be collecting pennies (any change really) to help support Newark Cooperative Preschool.



The Annual Halloween Parade will be Sunday October 27th at 3:00pm. Our group will gather in the George Reed Park (across from Newark High School) at 2:30pm. . Look for the preschool banner.  This is a family event, children participating in the parade with our group must be accompanied by an adult. This is a fun event for our preschool families and a fun way for our program to be visible in the community.  This is an entirely voluntary activity.  If you have a wagon to lend so the children can ride, please let us know.  Siblings are welcome to join us. Grown-ups and siblings may dress-up, too!



Our Halloween parties will be held October 30th and 31st.  At Halloween especially, what is fun for one child is scary for another.  Therefore, children do not wear or bring costumes to school for the parties.  The children will create costumes as part of our party.  Each family is asked to donate 3 items which can be used for “dress up.”  Hats, scarves, ties, silky fabric shirts, nightgowns, slips, vests, and belts are popular.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN SHORTS, PANTS, SHOES, OR STORE BOUGHT COSTUMES OR MASKS.  We will encourage non-scary creativity, which will include face or hand painting with washable markers for the 4’s.   Feel free to come and take pictures of our “parade around the play area” prior to refreshments.  Times will be posted on the bulletin board.




2002 Holiday Shoppe – December 10th & 11thCoordinator: Jayne Werbrich (Amanda 3’s)

The Holiday Shoppe is an opportunity for your child to buy gifts for family and friends for Christmas or Hanukkah.  This is a time for us to reinforce the idea of giving.  The children love to present their specially selected gifts to their family.  Here’s how it works.  You and your child decide who they would like to shop for gifts for the holidays.  This can include pets.  Please limit your list to 8.  Any more than that takes too long on shopping day.  Then you go to a dollar store and purchase the appropriate number of gifts to donate.  For example, if your child is buying for Mom, Dad and dog; your donated items should include a Mom item, a Dad item and a dog item.  You can also make items such as play-doh, decorate a can and add pencils or  trays of cookies are popular gifts for a man.  On the day of the Holiday Shoppe, your child will go shopping.  Each gift costs 50 cents.  Your child will wrap the gifts with paper that they have decorated in school.  Yes, you do supply the gifts and do pay for the gifts.  This is a mini-fundraiser which involves the children in a fun learning experience.


Please note the dates that the following items should be brought to school: Due:    December 3rd – 3’s

1)  The donated gifts                                                                                           December 4th – 4’s

2)  A brown paper grocery bag with your child’s name on it

3)       The list of names of all people to receive gifts and ages of the children on the list


Holiday Shoppe dates are:          December 10th – 3’s

                                                December 11th – 4’s

Class representatives are:           3 AM – Tara Pezzullo (Brianna)

                                                4 AM – Paula Galloway (Duncan)                                                                                                                        4 PM – Mayra Silva (Sebastian

We will also need three or four parents to help take the children shopping. If you are scheduled to be helping parent on shopping day, you may not be a Holiday Shoppe Helper.  The children love this activity.  Three or four children at a time leave the classroom to shop in the big hall.  If you have questions, call your class representative or the coordinator.


Holiday Party

The annual Holiday Party will take place on Saturday December 14th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. right here in New Ark United Church of Christ.  Several weeks prior to the party the coordinating family, The Bitter family (Justin 4AM) will post sign-up sheets for help setting up/cleaning up and refreshments.  This is not a luncheon event therefore only light snacks will be required.


The children will have the opportunity to make crafts in the classroom area; enjoy refreshments in the social hall and visit with Santa.  A sign-up form will be distributed via cubbies.  Please return the appropriate portion indicating the number of children attending so Santa will have plenty of treat bags for the children.  We need someone to be our Santa Claus.  The preschool will provide the outfit. Please let us know if you have a grandpa, uncle or friend who would be willing to be our special visitor!!!!!


Read Aloud CornerStorytellers Jim Weiss and Odds Bodkin

By Valerie Stenner  (Becky NCP graduate)


Storytelling is an ancient art form rarely mastered in our modern world.  I was lucky enough early in my parenting to discover two modern master storytellers who have provided my children and I with hours and hours of amusement and enlightenment (most of those hours being in the car):  Jim Weiss and Odds Bodkin.  These storytellers take literature, folklore, fairytales and fables which they love and weave magic with them using a myriad of voices and music to draw the listener into the story.  With a Twinkle in Your Eye (recommended listening audience 5+) and The Winter Cherries: Holiday Tales From Around The World (5+)  by Odds Bodkin  and Good Night(3+) and Best Loved Stories in Song and Dance (5+) by Jim Weiss are a few of my favorite tapes.

“The Elf and the Springtime” from the With a Twinkle in Your Eye recording is the story of a tenant farmer in a kingdom long ago who is the hundredth farmer in a hundred years to be assigned to work the failing farm.  In hopes of saving his family from starvation over the winter he makes a plea to the “elf of the farm” (an entity the farmer doesn’t really believe in) that if his family survives the winter then the elf should come calling in springtime.  The story that unfolds is enchanting!!!

Good Night is a collection of six bedtime visualizations which has helped me get my children to sleep on many occasions.  Jim Weiss’ voice is soothing and fluid, and his ability to see and present the world as children would experience it is amazing.  In listening to these visualizations the listener is part of the story, they are called upon to hear and see things in their mind that aren’t present on the tape (i.e. hearing wind chimes, feeling a warm breeze).  Charming!!

If you’re traveling this holiday season, these tapes are definitely worth checking out!!  The artists’ web sites  (, showcase their complete collections, while libraries, bookstores, The Learning Station and Chinaberry Press ( offer some of their titles.





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Last modified: January 13, 2003 by Bischoff Technical Services, Inc.