School MascotNewark Cooperative Preschool School Mascot  

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October 2002
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1st                           Tuition is due (3’s $75.00; 4’s $85.00).  PLEASE PAY YOUR TUITION ON TIME! 

                1st                          3’s First Fire Drill

10th                         Pet Day 3’s

11th                         Pet Day  3’s

14th                         NO SCHOOL INSERVICE DAY

15th                         Parent Meeting 7 p.m. Babysitting provided for $2.00 per child.

                                Fundraising is  the topic.

18th                         Seed Walk for the 4’s around the preschool area

24 & 25th                Bring Halloween Costume donations to school

27th                         Newark Halloween Parade/Family Fun Activity 1:30 pm

30th                         4’s Halloween Party (see the classroom bulletin board for details).  Costumes will be created in school.

31st                         3’s Halloween Party (see the classroom bulletin board for details).  Costumes will be created in school.




Weeks of October 1st & 7th                 Pets are friends; Animals that make good pets; Pet Day for   each class.

Weeks of October 14th & 21nd            Fall Harvest; Seeds; Apples and Pumpkins

                Week of October 28th                           Real and Pretend; Halloween with parties on Oct. 30th & 31st.



FROM THE PRESIDENTMarylee Dichiaro   453-0603


Happy October! From what I’ve seen and heard the school year has started off on a very positive note! The children have adapted so well they have surprised their parents! This is wonderful and I congratulate everyone.  I want to extend my thanks to all the families that came out to our first parent meeting. We had a great turnout and I hope we see the same group and more new faces at this month’s meeting. I realize making every meeting will not be possible for all our families, but I do suggest that everyone should set a goal to attend half the meetings. I sound like a broken record, but these get-togethers are your pulse to the school’s activities. We had our kick off for Joe Corbi’s. Sell! Sell! Sell! Our goal is 10-12 kits per family. Do your best. This fundraiser ends on Oct. 22 and we will need help distributing the kits in Nov. We’ll keep you posted. October is a busy month! Please read the board every day to stay up to date! Remember to be on time if you are helping parent. Any family still needing a job call me, please.


FROM THE 4’s- Shirley Glines 738-9512;


The fours are off to a great start.  They are busy making friends with me and with each other.  Each week I see the comfort levels rising.  We are having a great time.  Please let me know what your child is saying about school.  This is important feedback for the early days of school.


The fours will take a walking field trip around our building and the natural food store.  We will look at fall plants, especially looking for seeds. 


The fours will be having a special activity throughout the school year called “Star of the Week.”  The star will be line leader with Mrs. Glines, will take a star bag home for the week, will create a booklet about being the star and will make a special picture sharing special information about himself/herself.  On Monday the star will bring a book for me to read to the class.  There is a star bag for each class for the star to take home on Monday.  On Wednesday the stars will make an “I Am Special” booklet to share with the class.  On Friday the stars return the bag and bring in show and tell for group time.  Your child will bring home a “star” note when it is their week to be star, also his/her picture will be on display on the star bulletin board.  Our first “Star” week will be the week of Oct. 21st.


Special Thanks to our VP of Admissions Deserae Mace (Colleen 4AM & Tommy 3 AM) for taking care of numerous phone calls and registrations; Susan Sizemore (Megan  4AM) for gathering and organizing health forms; Marylee Dichiaro (Murphy 4PM) for being NCP President.



FROM THE 3’s- Karen Peterson- 322-5340


Happy October!  This is a busy month for the 3’s.  We are going to work on getting into our daily school routine so that your child will know what to expect at school.  I want to remind all parents they are welcome to stay in the classroom and join in our activities.  Sorry, but Preschool rules do not allow siblings.


On October 1st we will have our  first fire drill.  We will discuss fire safety and practice going to our meeting spot which is by the fence.


We will also have Pet Day on October 10th.  Please be aware that some of our children are afraid of dogs so please keep a good grip on them at all times and stay outside of the fenced area until all the children are comfortable.  Anyone who doesn’t have a pet, or whose pet is not able to be present, are invited to bring a teddy bear to share.


Please watch the Parent notice board as we get close to Halloween.  We do not bring costumes from home, but ask that you contribute articles of clothing that we can use to create our own fabulous costumes.


We have a delightful group of children this year.  I am anticipating a great year of fun and learning!  Thanks for your support.




AM 4’s  The AM parents need to be mindful of nuts being in food items and items which may touch the children’s skin.  If you plan to provide Halloween treats for the children please check with Lisa Savino for acceptable items. Also, please do not donate any food items to the snack shelf without Lisa’s approval.


Contacting the Teachers


On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to reach Shirley Glines during the day please call the preschool number, 368-0178.  On Tuesday and Thursday to reach Karen Peterson during the day please call the preschool number, 368-0178.  Use our home phone numbers in the evenings or on our “off” days.  Thanks.



¨       School closing due to weather related conditions will be announced on WDEL, and WSTW as soon as possible.  We will follow the Christina School District closing.  A TELEPHONE TREE WILL BE USED IF NCP IS DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN CHRISTINA SCHOOL DISTRICT.  To participate in the phone tree, use the class list.  The coordinating parent will call the first name on the class list.  That person will call the next name on the list and so on.  If there is no answer, or if you leave a message on the answering machine, call  the next name on the list, but continue trying to reach the family you called originally.  Be sure all adults in the house know this procedure. If you work or have your child in daycare, make sure the family calling you has the  correct telephone numbers.

¨       Dress your child according to the weather conditions.  We do go outside as much as possible.


¨       Recycle apple juice bottles, rinse them out and place in a bag under the counter in the kitchen.


¨       Sign up to clean the classroom.  Remember cleaning must be done on Friday evening this year.  The keys are located on the Helping Parent Bulletin Board. Housekeeping Coordinator is Mira Almahayni (Radi 3 AM)


¨       New Ark United Church of Christ collects aluminum cans as a fund raiser, if you would like details call the church office at 737-4711.


¨       The classroom has a camera available at all times.  Ask the teachers for the location and feel free to take pictures any time you are in the classroom.  The photos will be placed in the 2002-03 album.  If you take pictures with your personal camera, donate copies to the school so they can be placed in the album.


¨       You can sign books out from our classroom book shelf, but please do not take books from the gray rug area.  These books coordinate with our theme.


¨       Check out the preschool website at


¨       If you have questions regarding your tuition payments, call the Tuition Coordinator Amy Mullins (Noah 4 AM) at  453-8317.


¨       Please be sure to sweep the floor after snack time as necessary. If there is a juice spill, please spray the area with the Bactichem and wipe with paper towels. Never use the snack table sponges on the floor.


¨       The helping parent schedule will be made with as much consideration as possible for all the families.  However, if you have been scheduled to be helping parent on a day that is not convenient for you it is your responsibility to find a replacement by exchanging a day with another parent.  Please be sure both helping parents make the change and initial the classroom calendar so the teacher is aware of whom to expect for class.  We hope to have a smoothly scheduled year!


Coordinating Parents are:

        AM 4’s   Colleen Tuozzolo 456-5859                   AM 3’s Christine Wallace     376-7077   

        PM 4’s   Sheila Boyle    737-7039


¨       NCP Play-doh


2 cups of flour                                                                                              4 teaspoons cream of tarter

2 cups of cold water w/food coloring added                                           3 Tablespoons of oil

1 cup salt

Mix all ingredients in a large saucepan.  Stir over medium heat until mixture leaves sides of the pan and forms a ball.  Cool.  Store in an airtight container.


Pet Days

Dear Pets and Stuffed Animals,

Please come to school on Pet Day, October 10th or 11th.  Mom or Dad will bring you to the outside play area at 11:00am for the AM Class; 2:30pm for the PM class.  If you are a live pet you need to be in an animal travel cage or on a leash.  Pets on a leash should stay outside the fence area near the sandbox.  Small pets can be placed on the picnic tables.  Stuffed animals can be placed on the blanket.  My friends and I will come outside to see all the pets and stuffed animals.


Your Boy or Girl



 Budget News for 2002-03: Since we do not have a 3PM class and there are several openings in two of our other classes we need everyone to support each and every fund raiser.  We are starting out by taking orders for Joe Corbi pizzas and cookie dough.   We will focus on planning out additional fundraising opportunities at the October parent meeting. 50/50 Raffle tickets will be on sale prior to our Family Holiday Party; we will sell Human-I-Tees prior to Easter.


Fundraising Information


We all should be well on our way to our first successful fundraising event with our “Corbi’s” products. Here are a few reminders:

·         Our goal is to sell 10-12 pizza kits/cookie tubs per family…

·         Orders and payments are due Tuesday, October 22.  There will be a box marked “Pizza” in the preschool for your envelopes…

·         Payments should be in a single check from you, the seller, made out to the preschool…

·         The delivery date is Saturday, November 9th. A specific time will be announced shortly…

·         You must write YOUR NAME on the line for SELLER’S NAME on both envelopes…this is the only way we know who gets what when the orders come in or who to call if there is a problem with the order form.   THANK YOU!!

Just a small note…Joe Corbi’s offers a rewards program for every 11 kits or tubs sold by each participant. The Grand Prizes are awesome trips to Disney World or Sanibel Island, Florida. Each seller is responsible for completing one entry form for each 11 kits or tubs sold, ex. 11 items sold, 1 entry; 22 items sold, 2 entry forms, etc. I can provide copies of the forms if you are interested. Just give me a call st 302-838-1494 and leave me a message with you and your child’s name, I’ll put forms in their cubby. REMEMBER KITS/TUBS MUST BE REFRIGERATED THE DAY OF DELIVERY.  Good luck! Michelle Benson Pierce





The Annual Halloween Parade will be Sunday October 27th at 1:20 pm.  This is a fun event for our preschool families and a fun way for our program to be visible in the community.  We will distribute specific information as it becomes available from the City of Newark.  Children participating in the parade with our group must be accompanied by an adult.  This is an entirely voluntary activity.  If you have a wagon to lend so the children can ride, please let us know.  Siblings are welcome to join us.  This is a family event.  Join the fun for a great way to celebrate fall.




Our Halloween parties will be held October 30th and 31st.  At Halloween especially, what is fun for one child is scary for another.  Therefore, children do not wear or bring costumes to school for the parties.  The children will create costumes as part of our party.  Each family is asked to donate 3 items which can be used for “dress up.”  Hats, scarves, ties, silky fabric shirts, nightgowns, slips, vests, and belts are popular.  PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN SHORTS, PANTS, SHOES, OR STORE BOUGHT COSTUMES OR MASKS.  We will encourage non-scary creativity, which will include face or hand painting with washable markers.  Feel free to come and take pictures of our “parade around the play area” prior to refreshments.  Times will be posted on the bulletin board. 




As Director I will be attending an information session regarding the new legislation requiring preschools to comply with daycare laws. Mrs. Peterson will substitute for me on Wed. Oct 9th for the PM class so I can attend a session sponsored by the Nursery Kindergarten Assoc. of Delaware, our accreditation organization. I will report on the information at the October Parent Meeting.


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Last modified: January 13, 2003 by Bischoff Technical Services, Inc.