School MascotNewark Cooperative Preschool School Mascot  

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NCP, formerly known as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Cooperative Preschool, officially opened on October 1, 1968 in the St. John's AUMP Church on New London Road and Cleveland Avenue with an enrollment of sixteen children.   The classroom was supervised by Betsy Granda, one of the parents and a qualified teacher.  Classes were held for three hours a day, five days a week,  In January, 1969, Marcia Luce became the first paid teacher.  The parents acted as classroom aides.

In the fall of 1969, the preschool moved to Colonial Garden Apartments, 334 East Main St.  The enrollment was twenty eight children.  The three year olds met for two days a week and the four year olds met for three days a week.  In 1970, the enrollment jumped to forty children with the addition of an afternoon four's class.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 701 South College Ave., became the home of NCP in 1972.  The Martin Luther King, Jr. Preschool adopted its current name, Newark Cooperative Preschool, in August 1984.  The parents felt this name better reflected the community oriented nature of the preschool.  On December 13, 1984, the school became incorporated, still maintaining its cooperative nature.  In 1988, an afternoon three's session was opened bringing the enrollment to fifty eight children.

St. Paul's Lutheran Church decided to open an Early Childhood Education Center in 1997, the NCP moved to New Ark United Church of Christ at 300 East Main St.  Just down the street from its location in 1969.  In September of 1997, Mr. Joe Cutter became the teacher of the three's classes and the first male teacher employed by NCP.

NCP is a family preschool experience.  It functions as a step between the family and the kindergarten classroom.  Historically, it has been completely run, maintained, directed, guided and financially supported by the member families.



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Last modified: January 13, 2003 by Bischoff Technical Services, Inc.