School MascotNewark Cooperative Preschool School Mascot  

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The member families elect the officers and coordinating parent positions at the Annual Business Meeting in March for the following school year.  These elected positions and the two teachers make up the eleven member Board of Directors.  The Board is responsible to set policy, conduct general business, raise money and to ensure policy is being adhered to by all member families.  The officer positions are: President, Vice-President of Admissions, Vice-President of Education, Secretary and Treasurer.  Each class has a Coordinating Parent who schedules the helping parents, recruits drivers for field trips and supports the teachers in keeping the classes running smoothly.

Two parents assist the teacher in each class.  Class cannot be held without two helpers and the teacher.

The preschool has established five basic membership requirements to help achieve the goal of being a cooperative organization:

1. Helping Parent Days: Parents are scheduled to assist the teacher approximately two days a month.  Grandparents or a special grown-up friend may take the assigned helping day for the family.

2. Business Meetings: The Business Meetings are held once a month (excluding Dec. -Feb. is optional) and provide the best means for parents to be informed about the school.  All parents are encouraged to participate and exercise their right to vote.

3. Committees: One member of each family must serve actively of a committee throughout the year.  This is necessary to keep the school functioning properly.

4. Fund-raising: All families are required to help with one fund-raising activity each school year.  The money supplements tuition fees and allows the Board to offer scholarships and to purchase special items.

5. Cleaning the school: Each family is responsible for cleaning the classroom on a Friday or to participate in the mid-year or end-of-the-year clean-up once during the year.

NCP is an accredited member of the N.K.A.D. (Nursury Kindergarten Assoc. of Delaware) and a member of the D.A.E.Y.C. (Delaware Assoc. for Education of Young Children).


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Last modified: January 13, 2003 by Bischoff Technical Services, Inc.